Monday, May 20, 2024

Wednesday, April 24, 2024

Work and money / A new blog "Work and Feelings"

I made a new blog "Work and Feelings" of these quotations : 

( See my texts 


Monday, August 7, 2023

My books

 My new book "The best fact language is like music"

My books 

Or at other Amazon internet bookshops search "tervola" 

18th of January 2024   You ought to be able to download the book "Wonderful, Miracle like Beings" by Kaisa Hannele Tervola, FOR FREE AT 

27th of January 2024   Also some of my other books as free versions, see

6th of April 2024   You might be interested in reading the back cover texts of my books of the Christmas gnome/elf skills series, by clicking the headers at

Saturday, May 22, 2021

Thinking and farming

 I made originally my thinking course to show how nature and practical physical work are good for objective thinking ability. But in farming there is the problem that quite often the work one does is not so complex and beautiful encoyraging one to look well, but instead goes in straight line or maybe counting numbers or amounts, so that propably the worker then isn't so intelligent after that. So how to fix this problem? I would try to keep the complex beautiful wise view while doing something else and then learn from that, so that I guess the answer would be to allow slight variation in the straight lines etc, so that one would have the sense of atmospheres along and a complex beautiful view too so that one would be much wiser and stay so.

Friday, November 22, 2019

What kinds of jobs the others suit to

Harmony at the level of the society

From my blog

Reaching for Harmony

It is quite early evening on the day Eurovision Song Contest in Israel begins, it is in tv starting klo22 but I have not yet decided if I watch it. I have the feeling that this year it could bring bad luck.
But anyway I tried to compose a melody, even a song about harmony in the society but it turned out to be just a too short piece.
I was thinking of something along the lines of "Live and let others live" 

* * *

5th of July 2019   Another piece:


22th of November 2019   The latter melody might be very valuable, since it's perspective tells how different people suport each the society from their own perspective, like they agree about the arrangements and values being good choices, like they see life in the society working out well. So it appears to be a lasting effect: their own view, but on the other hand it may depand on what kinds of people they discuss with, dop they share the same culture and values. But anyweay, it could be a view that shows that as a being that lives in societies by one's nature, I want to support these valuable arrangements etc in the society for the future generations to come too, for my kids etc. So in a way it is harmony like a civiliced society when it works out in normal ways, without bigger problems, with each person in a job that one likes, values, respects,wouldchoose oneself.

Friday, March 15, 2019

"Always happily singing do your work!"

In Finland some old view of wisdom of life says that foreign influences are always low quality compared to Finnish ways,like in work foreigners tend to do work without much motivation, kind of forced labour, while in Finland the old view is that work should be done happily singing, so motivated, so much according to one's own rythms, not too long, not too low quality, with the skills of eager hands and eager mind, welcoming the challenges of life, with healthy spirit. There is some old song with words "Ain laulain työtäs tee!" = "Always singing do your work!" which has the idea in it's words, like what as the skill level of Finns in that but manybe the tune refers to more institution like way of working like Chinese worker outside Finland, maybe the Finns sought to teach that skill to foreigners too. When I think of my parents, both loved their work and my mom followed feelings when doing her work and my pa' tended to say "What if we would now do that? Would it be a good idea? I long for something uplifting to do." So we did something practical for a while, in a well running free ways, then stopped, my pap said "That was it. Thank you. Now we have been laborous. Now you can go freely and do your own things. I will make some food, we have earned it."

Come to think of it: what would it demand for work to be that happy and natural, singing kind? At least it demands that you like the work. If you can choose the profession you most like, or almost so, then that would be ok, or at least the work should feel nice, pleasant and even fun. It is likely that the work ought to be a challenge of some kind, letting you think freely and use your skills and common sense, which means that your skill level should be so high that you do not need to be superwised in doing your work and just the end result is checked for quality and whether it is good for practical use. The work should have instructions of what is the goal of the work, what needs to be done, but not, at least not more than very roughly, on ways of doing, rythm and the amount of one's own roads and side steps as far as it does not disturb the work. So the worker should have a good work motivation and there should be no tendency to sabotage the work or lives of others. So it is a civil society like situation, not a conflict of countries or different types of persons. Reaching for one's best goes well when one has as young dreamed of such a career and so one has all kinds of potential ready for such work. So I guess that rising to meet one's full pitential happens especially as young adult if one isn't commanded or superwised but is given meaningful things to do and emphasized responsibility and free ways of doing, individual insight but also practical matters like not investing too much time when something needs to be done in practice. Also sports of varying kind seem to give energy and a good feeeling to one's body, good for varied type of work.

See also:

But the original singing at work was mostly at farms short time labout like for an hour or so, that one happened to like. Then it was transformed to people starting to work in towns, but that was less natural since there was working hours and some guidelines of how the work should be done. But if one happened to lke that, for example cooking or sewing personally fitted clothes, then one maybe sang sometimes when one was in a good mood. But the original form was in a more free life countryside, with quite many persons possible for each task (and the traditional farm tasks were all or just about all typically liked by almost all, nice kind of things to do), so that one can choose according to one's likings.

The quality of work done was checked so that people knew if one was fitted to such labour. Those who were not inclined toward quality and the values of the work at hand, were not fitted to it even if the work done would have somehow passed to the practical purposes at hand. People have different inclinations, so they take care of different areas of life, cultivated the values which keep those areas of life in good order, well, with their spirit respected and creating so the groundwork for a good future in them were they are. All are not fitted to all works, some just act them through and that is not how life ought to be lived and things done, quality needs sincerety and respect for the things at hand.

Sunday, December 10, 2017

Old times work happiness in nowadays world


"Old times happiness in the present day world
From my blog

 "It ca,me to my mind from the sentence "The sailor was fully sailing, meaning fully drunk." that here the drunkenness and sailing, I guess on a wooden ship waved by the waves, got mixed. In these modern times people tend to think that on the sea many drank lots of alcohol, but aren't he impression at the same time that sun is shining warmly, ship moves nicely under the feet, it is a quiet atmosphere, peaceful, moments full of happiness. Can it be that in the odl times, when the sailor on his on as a kid got to know the sea or lake, he was there associating with boats and waves having moment with a good spirit: the sea as an elelment according to the human nature, as a phenomenom that is huge and has a spirit of itäs own kind, the flow of life according to it, the way of life at the sea which maybe opens when one without education, via such expereincies that touch the s´instinct nature and teach skill gets to know the profession, guided by, maybe dustant, forefigures that are fascinated by it. Edication on the other hand brings an approach that has a different spirit, breaks the atmosphere and so one loses the spirit of things and does not feel as nice. But could my thinking course ( replace educated thinking by common sense that is at least as objective but easier to carry along, and in addition for example beneficiality based moral: do useful things, build better living conditions to the society and the world + "Live and let others livce" i.e. it is ok to be selfish in ways poosityive for happy life but not to mess with the lives of others, except fairly is ok (see and so keep both the good sides of education and good spirit in things, in things done. About learning skills on one's own, see ( "

* * *
Pictures from Finland, today news:
(The weather of Finland is fatally dangerous in the winter season, if one does not have the weather skils for it. Like most people from tropics lack them, but well educated highly intelligent people who trust rationality very much and follow advices diligently if they have some time read such, even if they are kind of ill because of the weather difference, like people from Japan, India,and some Arabs seem to learn: flee immediately indoors if your body gets cold, in the same minute or so, no time for leisurely ways.)

Saturday, July 15, 2017

Another blog: Learn talents and skills for your distant most loved dream job

Another blog of mine:
Learn talents and skills for your distant most loved dream job
easy, efficient, fun - you can soon apply for job in your dream profession!

unfortunately the part about changing social group is very long, over 500 chapters, so it remains untranslated
(16.8.2017   some 50 points of the part about changing your social group has already been translated)

Sunday, April 16, 2017

From another blog: Only nice work is worth a lot

Translation from my blog

Good quality objective thinking is largely the same as looking at a landscape and

noticing the structures in it correctly.

In learning new things it is very important to be sincerely interested in the

subject: it opens us to notice a lot, strongly, clearly, remembering it well, with

common sense and one's whole picture of the world along.

Already from this one can see that in an interesting subject one notices more and

with better quality, and has more energy, and one so gets much more work done and

does not tire so easily.

Likewise emotionally motivated interests make one's attention better, even if they

were of free time subjects. In other words one gets wiser when living that way, if

one has healthy spirit and mind (

One can see from this also that if something does not interest oneself, it dulls

attention if done for longer times and so makes one much more stupid, brings a poor

quality of work and a poor work efficiency. Such tasks are often better taken care

of alongside some work that one sincerely likes, for example that a nice work but

10min to half en hour in addition going through something not so interesting,

without giving up good quality.

Tuesday, October 13, 2015

Translation rights

This blog may be morally translated to other languages and so also my texts on links from this blog and my (khtervola) videos attached to this blog too.

Saturday, July 19, 2014

Learn this skill

Ever now and then shortly after the beginning of your nice free time activity, think: "How is my way of looking at things richer in this hobby than in my work? What kinds of things do I observe more?"
Then when on the road to your work, think: "How can I do my work better and quicker with this extra skill brought by my free time fun?" For example positive emotions guide to better working ways of doing things and atmospheres give as associations new ideas. Please see the playlist Rationality of feelings on my video channel (mostly soundless text videos).

Wednesday, May 22, 2013

Additional needed skill

Once you catch the idea, you could this way shorten your working day to 4 hours a day 5 days a week, if you get paid by the work done and not by the time consumed. If you are intelligent and have wisdom of life, you could in such work shorten your working days even more, but that requires more skill.
Anyway, once you get your work done quicker with more intelligence and skill, you are left with the problem of communicating with the slower witted fellow workers. For that have the idea that you want to communicate in your mind, picture it as a clearly sensed landscape like picture in your mind and see it in as great detail as the others comfortably think about things. Then just write it down or tell it to other in such smaller size bunches as they are comfortable with. That's it! You have thus mastered communication between different levels of intelligence.
For example in thinking work, the new idea may take just seconds to think thoroughly through with good quality, but writing it down may take a half an hour or even two hours, if you want to communicate and teach clearly and friendlily. (The more intelligent ones are easier to bear if they are not a burden but cause only a little bit of not so tirying work with which to avoid masses of extra labour.)

Saturday, April 20, 2013

Relaxed reactive body increases intellectual capacity

The body and mind are connected via natural gestures expressing one's present state of mind. If one is stuck to habits, for example concentrated single-eyedly to certain task, then one's body too is restricted to certain posture with certain kind of movements only. Like fixed ways of thinking get expressed as fixed ways to keep one's body, likewise new ideas come much more easily when the body is relaxed and reactive, like is typical in friendly social situations where one tries to see things from the points of view of others too. The thus gained freedom of movement gives freedom for thoughts and so one's understanding becomes much better.
New ideas demand a change in one's attitude, which in turn is expressed as a change in one's habitual posture. Ideas sink in typically only after the body has been relaxed and reactive for a second or two. So much quicker is one's understanding when one's body is relaxed, lively and reactive.So practising relaxed nice sports which have lots of variation and demand reactivity, can increase one's intellectual capacity substantially.Reactive here means reactions that make sense according to each situation and not just messing around without any clear idea of what makes sense in such a situation.

An attempt at composing

Watching the nature supports thinking:

Thursday, December 1, 2011

Send yo questions to me!

Please help to develop this idea further: Please if there is any difficulty or problem in applying these things into practise in your working life, send your questions to me: Hannele Tervola, e-mail: since I have personal experience of this, these are my own thoughts and I can solve many of the problems on the way. Please help others too to achieve their dreams of what life ought to be like: please send me an e-mail!